For full details about these programs or to make a booking please select your chosen date and venue on our bookings section.
1 day | £500.00 + VAT | Dates & venues: TBA
Fully updated for 2020 to include all major statutory and case law developments | Interactive program based on tested litigation scenarios | Delegates will receive a detailed Europa Law Barristers Analysis Pack & structured advice outlines for all case studies.
This interactive program will provide a comprehensive overview of the law and practice relating to contractual transactions in England and Wales. Many international contracts contain choice of law clauses in favour of English law and/or jurisdiction clauses nominating the Court of England & Wales as the venue for dispute resolution. If you are involved in making or managing commercial Agreements subject to English law this program is designed to give you the knowledge you need when dealing with solicitors and/or counsel. The knowledge you acquire on this program will make your dealings with in house & external counsel and solicitors more time and cost effective.
Example areas covered during the program
1 day | £500.00 + VAT | Dates & venues: TBA
Fully updated for 2020 to include all major statutory and case law developments | Interactive program based on tested litigation scenarios | Delegates will receive a detailed Europa Law Barristers Analysis Pack & structured advice outlines for all case studies.
This interactive program is designed for non-lawyers whose role involves them in dealing with commercial Agreements and disputes arising from such Agreements. The program will examine in a clear and comprehensive manner the remedies which are available in English law when an Agreement is broken or financial loss is caused to a business where no contract is involved. It will also discuss how the property interests and the reputation of a business may be protected by legal means. The knowledge which delegates to this program will acquire will be an invaluable aid for those dealing with in house & external solicitors & counsel in connection with commercial disputes.
Example areas covered during the program
1 day | £500.00 + VAT | Dates & venues: TBA
Fully updated for 2020 to include all major statutory and case law developments | Interactive program based on tested litigation scenarios | Delegates will receive a detailed Europa Law Barristers Analysys Pack & structured advice outlines for all case studies.
This program is designed for those who are involved in the commercial provision of goods and/or services. It will provide a clear and comprehensive overview of key areas of English law pertaining to the sale of goods and the provision of services. It will also consider relevant legal rules when goods are sold or services are provided within the EU. The program will provide invaluable information for those involved in the commercial sale of goods and/or services and make your dealings with in house or external solicitors and counsel more informed and efficient.
Example areas covered during the program
1 day | £500.00 + VAT | Dates & venues: TBA
Fully updated for 2020 to include all major statutory and case law developments | Interactive program based on tested litigation scenarios | Delegates will receive a detailed Europa Law Barristers Analysis Pack & structured advice outlines for all case studies.
This program is designed for those who are involved in the commercial provision of air, sea or rail travel or in the provision of package and other holiday services. It will provide a clear and comprehensive analysis and overview of key legal provisions relevant to your industry under both English & EU law.
Example areas covered during the program